Third degree polynomialThe applet demonstrates the effect of the polynomial mapping f(Z) = (Z-A)(Z-B)(Z-C). The applet displays two copies of the complex plane, the left one representing the domain of f and the right one its codomain. The domain contains all three zeros of f, A, B and C. You can drag these points around to change the polynomial. The domain also contains a circle Γ, with center D, passing through a point E. You can change the radius of the circle by draging E, or its center by draging D. You can also drag the actual circle around. There is a red point F which you can drag around the circle. The right plane contains the image of Γ under the mapping f, and also the point G = f(F). If you change or move the circle or move the points A, B or C, you will see that the curve f(Γ) changes accordingly. If you drag the point F around the circle Γ, you will see the point G tracing the curve f(Γ). Finally, the left plane also contains a "free" point H. You can move this point anywhere on the plane without constrains. Its image in the right plane is I. Suggestions:Jan Hlavacek, Created with GeoGebra |