This is a "complex domain coloring" plot of the Riemann ζ function on the rectangle 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, −200 ≤ y ≤ 0.
If we continued down to about y=−7005, we would find the following interesting place:
What at first glance looks like a double zero will, when sufficiently magnified, look like this:
ζ(x+iy) for y between −20 and 0
ζ(x+iy) for y between −40 and −20
ζ(x+iy) for y between −60 and −40
ζ(x+iy) for y between −80 and −60
ζ(x+iy) for y between −100 and −80
ζ(x+iy) for y between −120 and −100
ζ(x+iy) for y between −140 and −120
ζ(x+iy) for y between −160 and −140
ζ(x+iy) for y between −180 and −160
ζ(x+iy) for y between −200 and −180
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