Luckily for us, setting up the factorial within-subjects ANOVA using the repeated measures general linear model is very similar to how we implemented the one-way within-subjects ANOVA. There are only a few differences due to additional independent variables we’ll make sure to note along the way.
The Data Set
Visit the “Dataset” folder in the “Files” section of the Canvas site to download the “veggieFlavors.sav” SPSS file. When you open the file, click on the “Data View” tab in the data editor.
This file has the same “wide” style layout that we saw in the paired samples t-test and the one-way within-subjects design. Rather than finding a column with our DV and one column per IV, we find several columns of DV scores (See Figure 2).
Figure 2
Data View of veggieFlavor.sav
Determining the DV
How do you know that these are DV and not IV columns? Here are a few clues.
First, the scale of measurement for an IV ought be “norminal” but these are all “scale.” It is true that SPSS files do not have the correct scale of measurement but the values themselves are more than a few discrete variables indicative of dummy coding.
Second, the labels in the variable view (see Figure 3) has more detail about the values of the variable.
Figure 3
Variable View of veggieFlavor.sav
Each label states “Vegetable Flavor Ratings in…” This suggests that each variable contains “vegetable flavor ratings” under different conditions. As such, we might call our DV “flavor ratings.”
Determining the IVs
The various conditions under which the DV is assessed are the levels of the independent variables. How many IV do we have and what shall we name them? Let’s list the conditions with generic IV names to get started (see Table 4).
Table 4
IV levels
IV 1
IV 2
With levels of “green, natural, or red,” IV 1 seems to represent colors of light. As such, we may call IV 1 “color.” IV 2 only lists two levels: “bright or dim.” Perhaps a good name for IV 2 is “intensity”.
Checking Asssumptions
We’ll check for both normality of the DV within each combination of IV levels and for sphericity
The assumption for normally distributed DV scores is to hold for each of the groups formed by the combination of the levels of the IVs. For a within-subjects design, our DV scores are already divided by these combinations so we need only perform our normality assessments to each of the variables.
For this lesson, I’m going to revisit the Q-Q plot. Recall that the Q-Q plot (Q-Q stands for “Quantile-Quantile”) compares the distribution of a variable to a perfectly normal distribution. The perfectly normal distribution appears as a black reference line and our data are the dots plotted around the line. The closer the dots are to the line, the more normally distributed the data are. If the the middle of the dots bow above or below the refence line, our data is skewing toward the negative or positive, respectively. If the dots “snake” around the line, our data are kurtotic.
To produce Q-Q Plots, click on the “Analyze” menu, then hover over “Descriptive Statistics”, then click on “Q-Q Plots” (See Figure 4).
Figure 4
Navigating to Q-Q Plots in Menu Bar
The Q-Q plot window will open. You will need to move each variable from the box on the left to the box on the right (see Figure 5).
Figure 5
Q-Q Plots Window
Click “Paste” to generate the syntax. Navigate to the syntax editor window then select and run the syntax.
Figure 6 contains the Q-Q plots, arranged by IV levels.
Figure 6
Q-Q plots of Vegetable Flavor Ratings by Color and Intensity of Light
These Q-Q plots show some deviation from normal but not enough to raise concern. If you feel some concern, please check the skewness and kurtosis statistics from the “Frequencies” options in the “Descriptive Statistics” menu.
Check for sphericity visually can be a bit of a daunting task. It involves calcualting all the difference scores (15 in this case) then producing simple error bar charts to compare variance. Although I am a big fan of data visualization, I’m afraid the required work in SPSS makes that an untenable option. Instead, we’ll simply refer to Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity in our GLM output.
Settin up the GLM Procedure
We are ready to set up the GLM procedure. Navigate to the “Analyze” menu in the menu bar. Hover over “General Linear Model,” then select “Repeated Measures” from the menu. The “Repeated Measures Define Factor(s)” window should appear.
Defining Factors
We’ll want to reference the investigative work we did in the “Data Set” section above in which we determined the IVs and DV.
Recall that we decided on two IVs. The first was “color” and it had three levels. Let’s add that into the “Repeated Measures Define Factor(s)” window first. “Color” will go in the “Within-Subjects Factor Name” box and “3” will go in the “Number of Levels” box (see Figure 7). Click the “Add” button under the “Number of Levels” label to complete the factor definition.
Figure 7
Adding Color Factor
Next, add the “intensity” factor with 2 levels. Click “Add” to add the “intensity” factor to the model.
Lastly, we’ll want to define our DV by typing “flavor” into the “Measure Name” box. Click “Add” to add the DV to the model.
Figure 8 shows the completed “Repeated Measures Define Factor(S)” window.
Figure 8
Completed Define Factors Window
Click “Define” in the bottom of the window to move to the next window.
Assigning Variables
With the design of our model set, we’ll need to tell SPSS how our variables map on to the combination of IVs. Figure 9 is a portion of the “Repeated Measures” main window that contains the combination of IVs and DVs that SPSS is expecting to have corresponding variables.
Figure 9
Within-Subjects Variables Box
The important organizational key is in the parenthesis above the box. It reads “(color,intensity)”. These are the IV for which the dummy coded levels appear in the parentheses in the box below. For example, the first variable should correspond with color = 1 and intensity = 1. The second variable should correspond with color = 1 and intensity = 2.
Now, it is true that the values of dummy codes is arbitrary. As such, it does not matter which level you choose to be color = 1. What does matter, however, is that you are consistent. That means if you choose “green_bright” for the first variable, you are assigning a 1 to “green” and a 1 to “bright.” That means that any variable for which the first number in the parenthesis is a 1, you need to select a “green_” variable from the box on the left. Any variable that has a 1 in the second position needs to be assigned a "_bright" variable form the box on the left.
If we choose “green_bright” for “(1,1,flavor)”, we need to choose “green_dim” for “(1,2,flavor).” We will continue on this way until we have a variable from our dataset assigned to each of the within-subjects variables. Figure 10 has a partially completed “within-subjects variables” box.
Figure 10
Partially Completed Within-Subjects Variables Box
Try to complete fill in the rest of the variables before checking your approach with Figure 11.
Figure 11
Completed Within-Subjects Variable Box
Profile Plots
Now that SPSS knows how the data maps onto our model, we can ask for some profile plots to help guide our interpretation of our results.
Click the “Plots” button on the right side of the “Repeated Measures” window.
We’ll need to ask for both main effects plots and an interaciton plots.
Main Effects
To create a main effect plot, move an IV from the “Factors” box on the left to the “Horizontal Axis” box on the right. Figure 12 shows the set up for the main effect of “color.”
Figure 12
Setting up Main Effect Profile Plot
Click the “Add” button to ensure that the plot gets made.
Do the same procedure for the main effect of “intensity.”
Interaction Effects
The process for making an interaction plot requires including both IVs. Let’s move “color” to the “Horizontal Axis” box and “intensity” to the “Separate Lines” box (see Figure 13). Click the “Add” button to complete the process.
Figure 13
Setting up Interaction Effect Profile Plot
Chart Type and Error Bars
Let’s ensure that our charts are helpful by choosing the “line chart” option for “Chart Type” and to “include error bars” under the “Error Bars” section. Figure 14 contains the completed “Profile Plots” set up.
Figure 14
Completed Profile Plot Window
Click “Continue” to return to the “Repeated Measures” window.
Estimated Marginal Means and Post Hoc Analyses
Our last step in setting up the repeated measures GLM is to ask SPSS for some statistics to help us interpret any significant effects. We’ll ask SPSS for marginal means and to provide some adjustment for post hoc tests.
Click on the “EM Means” button to open the “Repeated Measures: Estimated Marginal Means” window.
We’ll want to know the mean flavor rating across levels of color (for the main effect of color), across levels of intensity (for the main effect of intensity), and across the combination of levels of color and intensity (for the interaction effect of color * intensity). Simply drag all but the “(OVERALL)” factor from the “Factor(s) and Factor Interactions” box to the “Display Means for” box (see Figure 15).
Figure 15
Setting up Marginal Means Factors
Should we have some significant main effects that need explored (that is, no significant interaction effect), we can ask SPSS to perform some adjustment of the confidence intervals associated with the multiple comparisons. Click the “Compare main effects” option below the “Display Means” for box. Then select “Bonferroni” from the “Confidence interval adjustment” dropdown menu (see Figure 16).
Figure 16
Requesting Post Hoc Adjustments
Click the “Continue” button to return to the main “Repeated Measures” window.
Run GLM Syntax
We now have all of the options set for our repeated measures GLM. Navigate to the syntax editor to select and run the GLM syntax (see Figure 17 for complete syntax).
Figure 17
Syntax for Repeated Measures GLM
Interpreting the Output
Checking Variable Alignment
Before we dive into the model, let’s ensure that we have aligned our variables correctly with the factors by checking the “Within-Subjects Factors” table (see Figure 18).
Figure 18
Within-Subjects Factors
We expect to see the same colors in each row grouping under “color”. We have “green_” variables where color is 1, “natural_” where the color is 2, and “red_” where the color is 3. We also see that we have "_bright" each time there is a 1 in the “intensity” column and "_dim" each time there is a 2.
If your variables are not aligned properly, go back to the “Reated Measures” window and reassign the variables.
Now we can check our assumption of sphericity.
Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity
Scroll to the “Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity” table. We will spot any violations of sphericity when the Sig. value for an effect is < .05. In our example, there is a violation for the “color” factor (see Figure 19).
Figure 19
Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity
With this violation, we’ll need to use the Greenhouse-Geisser corrected degrees of freedom when interpreting our test of within-subjects effects.
You may be wondering why, for three effects, we only have one effect with a Sig. value. Intensity does not have a sig. value because there is no actual check of sphericity happening for this factor. This is because intensity only has two levels. With only two levels, we can only compute one difference score. Sphericity is the assumption that the difference scores have equal variance. If we only have one set of difference scores, we cannot compare them to other difference scores in the “intensity” factor.
The reason why our interaction effect does not have a value listed for the chi-square or sig. column is because we have more comparisons than we do participants. Although this seems bad, as we’ll find soon, even when we take the most conservative correction, our results do not change.
Test of Within-Subjects Effects
When interpeting the ANOVA table presented as the test of within-subjects effects table, we’ll need to be sure to check the row that corresponds with the correct adjustment, when needed. That is, we ought check the “Greenhouse-Geisser” rows for the effect of color and the interaction of color*intensity. Figure 20 is the “test of within-subjects effects” table from our output.
Figure 20
Test of Within-Subjects Effects
Just to reinforce the point about our robust effects, take note of how the Sig. values are relatively equal (although hard to see with SPSS rounding), regardless of the correction applied to the degrees of freedom. Althought it doesn’t seem to matter now, we need to stay in the practice of reporting the adjusted degrees of freedom when sphericity is violated.
Let’s walk through the effects. The table indicates a significant main effect of color (F[1.064,4.257] = 199.556, p < .001), a significant main effect of intensity (F[1,4] = 51.200, p = .002), and a significant interaction effect of color * intensity (F[1,4] = 1448.162, p < .001).
To refresh your memory on where to find the relevant information, Figure 21 includes highlights the correct rows to read and annotations for the main effect of color.
Figure 21
Annotated Test of Within-Subjects Effects
Post Hoc Analyses
We’ve found three significant effects but we need to focus on the interaction effect as it contains the most detail about how the two IV simultaneously impact the DV. We’ll use the interaction plot to guide our interpretatio, then follow up with the means and confidence intervals for DV at the intersection of the IV levels.
Interaction Plot
Figure 22 is the interaction plot of color and intensity on flavor rating. Notice that SPSS uses the dummy codes provided in the “within-subjects factors” table from the begining of the output for the GLM (see reproduced Figure 18 below).
Figure 22
Interacton Plot of Color and Intensity on Flavor Rating
Figure 18
Within-Subjects Factors
Given that we are working with the same data set as was used in the initial example, we can make quick work of reviewing the interpretation this interaction effect.
The interaction seems to be driven, primarily, by the change in the order of means in the natural color conditions compared to the green or red color conditions. Whereas flavor ratings are higher in dim lighting for the red and green color conditions, the opposite is true for the natural color condition. That is, higher flavor ratings occur in the bright lighting than dim lighting.
Means and Confidence Intervals
We’ll want to back that up with some numbers, so let’s bring in the means and confidence intervals (see Figure 23).
Figure 23
Means and Confidence Intervals for Flavor Ratings within levels of Color and Intensity
Again, SPSS uses dummy codes rather than the appropriate labels so we’ll need to insert those appropriately. Table 5 is an APA styled version of Figure 23.
Table 5
Means and Confidence Intervals for Flavor Ratings within Levels of Color and Intensity
95% CI LL
95% CI UL
Note.Confidence intervals adjusted using Bonferroni correction.
We now have all that we need to complete our post hoc write up.
“The interaction plot in Figure 22 suggests that a trend of flavor ratings decreasing from green light, to natural light, to red light in the dim condition was different for the bright condition. Although the flavor ratings in green and red lights are reliable lower in the bright than dim condition (see Bonferroni-corrected 95% CI in Table 5), the trend reverses for the natural light condition. That is ratings are reliably higher higher in the bright condition than the dim conditon for natural light (see Table 5).”