This chapter will help you to:

  1. Explain how between- and within-subjects factors are combined in a mixed factorial design.
  2. Identify the presentation of between- and within-subjects factors in an SPSS file.
  3. Setup and run a mixed factorial ANOVA using the Repeated Measures General Linear Model procedure.
  4. Interpret the results of the mixed factorial ANOVA using GLM.
  5. Present the results of the mixed factorial ANOVA in APA format.

Combinging Between- and Within-Subjects Factors

The great benefit of the general linear model is the ability to account for various designs into a single statistical model. For this course, the pennacle of this generality is the “mixed factorial ANOVA.” As the term “factorial” implies, we will be including multiple indpendent variables. The term “mixed” tells us that we will be combining both within- and between-subjects factors.

The best thing about ending the course on this topic is that it is almost all review. We really are just combining the two types of factorial ANOVAs already discussed.

We see that wit the assumptions.


The mixed factorial ANOVA has three assumptions that we’ll need to verify.

  1. Normality of DV within each combination of levels of IVs. This was a common assumption for both between- and within-subjects designs.

  2. Homogeneity of variance for between-subjects IVs. This will appear slightly differently than before because we will have to check this assumption for across the DV scores in each level of the wtihin-subjects factor.

  3. Sphericity or equality of variance within-subjects IV. As in the original within-subjects ANOVA, we’ll want to verify that the difference scoress across the combined levels of the variables are roughly equal.

A Mixed Factorial Example

The example we’ll be working with this week involves the changes to SAT scores across the number of test attempts and the impact of a music education background. Table 1 shows a sample of a data set to illustrate the design.

Table 1

Split Plot Design of Example

Test Attempt
First Second Third
Music Education Background Yes P1 = 1261
P2 = 1275
P3 = 1232
P4 = 1314
P5 = 1238
P1 = 1349
P2 = 1361
P3 = 1316
P4 = 1396
P5 = 1326
P1 = 1415
P2 = 1430
P3 = 1384
P4 = 1470
P5 = 1390
No P6 = 1216
P7 = 1179
P8 = 1188
P9 = 1181
P10 = 1203
P6 = 1221
P7 = 1181
P8 = 1190
P9 = 1186
P10 = 1210
P6 = 1223
P7 = 1182
P8 = 1192
P9 = 1185
P10 = 1211

Pay particular attention to the participants. The same particiapnt are in all three attempts for having no music education background but another group of participants are in the three attempts without having a music education background.

The difference in participants will be important when we calculate (or rather, have SPSS calculate) the error terms.

Using SPSS: GLM for the Factorial Within-Subjects ANOVA

Please navigate to the “Dataset” folder in the “Files” section of our Canvas site and download the “SAT.sav” file.

The Data Set

Figure 2 is a screenshot of the dataview of the SPSS file. We see five columns. The first, “Participant,” is just a marker to tell us from who each set of data belongs. The second column is likely dummy coded. Columns 3 through 5 have what look live continuous data (perhaps our DV).

Figure 2

Data View of SAT.sav

Data View of

An examination of the variable view will help us to determine which variables contain the DV and which contain the IVs.

Determining the DV

As we see in Figure 3, the last three variables have a common phrase in the “label” column that suggests to us the DV. “SAT Score” seemes to be what was repeatedly measured across the three test conditions.

As such, “SAT scrore” is the DV (review the factorial within-subjects ANOVA for more on the process of DV identification).

Figure 3

Variable View of SAT.sav

Variable View of

Determining the IVs

It is important to be specific as we identify the independent variables. That is, we need to specify which IV is a between-subjects IV and which is a within-subjects IV because they will need to be entered into our GLM procedure differently.

Between-Subjects IVs

Between-subjects factors, by definition, change levels between subjects. Because the SPSS data file is organized in rows by participant, this means each row should only have one value for a between-subjects variable.

This is the case for “MusicEd” as participants either have a 1 or 0 recorded (see the data view). When we check the variable view (see Figure 3), the label informs us that this variable is binary (“Yes” or “No”) regarding the participants Music Education Background. That is, this variable tells us if a person has some music education in their background (before taking the SAT) or not.

Within-Subjects IVs

The within-subjects factors change levels within subjects. In SPSS, that means we should have multiple levels of a within-subjects variable per row. It does not seem like that is the case if we just check the values in each row. We actually need to check the variable labels to help us determine the within-subjects IV.

Recall that another term for a within-subjects design is a repeated measures design. We saw that we repeatedly measured SAT scores, but why? We measured SAT scores for multiple test attempts. The labels for the last three variables (see Figure 3) indicate just that; “SAT Score on First Test, SAT Score on Second Test, SAT Score on Third Test.” Our within-subjects IV is thus “Test attempt.”

The Research Question

With our variables identified, we can surmise the research question to be: “Does having a music education background influence the change on SAT Scores across mutliple test attempts?”

Checking Asssumptions


Before we check our distirbutions, we need to ensure that we have the correct level of analysis. That is, we need to be sure that we are looking at the distributions of the DV produced by the intersection of the IVs.

We neeed to first split the file by the between-subjects IV (“MusicEd”) by clicking on “Data” in the menu bar and then clicking “Split File”. Drag “MusicEd” to the “Groups based on” box. I like to click the “Compare groups” option to keep my output organized. Click paste to generate the syntax.

Q-Q Plots

To help us judge normality (and flag some potential outliers), we’ll produce Q-Q plots.

Click on the “Analyze” menu, then hover over “Descriptive Statistics”, then click on “Q-Q Plots” (See Figure 4).

Figure 4

Navigating to Q-Q Plots in Menu Bar

Navigating to Q-Q Plots in Menu Bar

The Q-Q plot window will open. You will need to move each variable that contains the DV scores (i.e., the within-subjects factors variables) from the box on the left to the box on the right (see Figure 5).

Figure 5

Q-Q Plots Window

Q-Q Plots Window

Click “Paste” to generate the syntax.


Outliers can lead to deviations from normality. We can easily check for outliers by asking SPSS to convert our DV scores to z-scores. We have already split the file before creating Q-Q plots, so we need only go to the “Descriptives…” menu under “Analyze” and “Descriptives.”

Drag the same variables that you used in creating the Q-Q plots (i.e., “test1”,“test2” and “test3”) to the “Variable(s):” box. Click on the “save standardized values as variables” box below the list of variables.

Click paste to generate the syntax.

Navigate to the syntax editor window then type “SPLIT FILE OFF.” at the end of your syntax (see Figure 6). Select all the syntax and run it.

Output for Normality

Figure 6 contains the Q-Q plots, arranged by IV levels.

Figure 6

Q-Q plots of SAT scores by Music Education and Test Attempt

Music Education Test Attempt
First Second Third
No QQ Plot QQ Plot QQ Plot
Yes QQ Plot QQ Plot QQ Plot

All of these plots seem to indicate that our samples are roughly normally distributed. Although there is some slight bowing in the no music background samples and some very slight snaking in the music background samples, points hang very closely to the reference line.

We would notice some outliers at the end of the distribution. They would stand out to us because they would deviate largely from the reference line. None of the Q-Q plot indicate any outliers but we’ll verify that with the z-scores.

Figure 7 is a screenshot of some of the values in our newly created z-score variables. We’ll want to scan these variables for values that are either less than -3 or greater than +3.

Figure 7

Newly Created Z-Scores

Newly Created Z-Scores

A quick sort (right click on “Ztest1” in data view, then click “Sort Ascending”), reveals that we have no z-scores below -3 and no z-scores above +3. Therefore, we have no concerns for outliers in these samples.


We’ll let SPSS handle this assumption check with Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity in our GLM output.

Settin up the GLM Procedure

We are ready to set up the GLM procedure. Navigate to the “Analyze” menu in the menu bar. Hover over “General Linear Model,” then select “Repeated Measures” from the menu. The “Repeated Measures Define Factor(s)” window should appear.

Defining Factors

The first screen of the repeated measures GLM is used to define factors. We’ll only need to put in the within-subjects factor and the DV associated with that factor.

Type “Test” into the “Within-Subjects Factor Name” box and 3 for the “Number of Levels.” Figure 8 demonstrates the set up for adding the “test” factor.

Figure 8

Adding a Factor

Adding a Factor

Click “Add” to add the “test” factor to the model.

Add the dependent variable (“SAT”) to the “Measure Name” box and click “Add”.

Figure 9 shows the completed “Repeated Measures Define Factor(S)” window.

Figure 9

Completed Define Factors Window

Completed Define Factors Window

Click “Define” in the bottom of the window to move to the next window.

Assigning Variables

Move each of the three “test” variables to the “Within-Subjects Variables” box.

Move the “musci education” variable to the "Between-Subjects Factor(s) box.

See Figure 10 for the completed alignement of both within- and between-subjects variables.

Figure 10

Assigned Variables in GLM

Assigned Variables in GLM

Profile Plots

Click the “Plots” button on the right side of the “Repeated Measures” window.

We’ll need to ask for both main effects plots and an interaciton plots.

Main Effects

To create a main effect plot, move an IV from the “Factors” box on the left to the “Horizontal Axis” box on the right. Figure 11 shows the set up for the main effect of “MusicEd”

Figure 11

Setting up Main Effect Profile Plot

Setting up Main Effect Profile Plot

Click the “Add” button to ensure that the plot gets made.

Do the same procedure for the main effect of “Test”

Interaction Effects

To create an interaction plot, we’ll want to include both of our IVs. Let’s move “Test” to the “Horizontal Axis” box and “MusicEd” to the “Separate Lines” box (see Figure 12). Click the “Add” button to complete the process.

Figure 12

Setting up Interaction Effect Profile Plot

Setting up Interaction Effect Profile Plot

Chart Type and Error Bars

Let’s ensure that our charts are helpful by choosing the “line chart” option for “Chart Type” and to “include error bars” under the “Error Bars” section.

Click “Continue” to return to the “Repeated Measures” window.

Tukey HSD Post Hoc Test

To compare the levels of any between-subjects variables that have significant main effects, we’ll want to perform the Tukey. Two important notes. First, this step is only necessary IF we have a between-subjects factor with more than 2 levels and the main effect is statistically significant. Second, we may be focusing on the interaction effect, rendering this step moot.

Given those two notes, we do no know beforehand if the main effects for the between-subjects variable will be statistically significant or if the interaction effect will be significant. As such, we set up this test in case we need to reference it.

Click on the “Post Hoc” button.

In the “Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons” window, move “MusicEd” over to the “Post Hoc Tests for:” box then check the box next to “Tukey” (see Figure 13). Click “Continue” to return to the main window.

Figure 13

Tukey HSD in Post Hoc Analyses

Tukey HSD in Post Hoc Analyses

Estimated Marginal Means and Post Hoc Analyses

We’ll also want some post hoc comparisons for the within-subjects variables (and associated interaction effects). Let’s ask SPSS for marginal means with the Bonferroni-adjusted confidence intervals.

Click on the “EM Means” button to open the “Repeated Measures: Estimated Marginal Means” window.

Drag all but the “(OVERALL)” factor from the “Factor(s) and Factor Interactions” box to the “Display Means for” box. Click the “Compare main effects” box and choose “Bonferroni” from the “Confidence interval adjustment” boxt (see Figure 14).

Figure 14

Setting up Marginal Means Factors

Setting up Marginal Means Factors

If your brain is throwing a red flag right now, it is because we had used the Tukey HSD post hoc for the between-subjects factors and the Bonferroni adjustment for the within-subjects variables since the t-tests. Now we are asking SPSS for a Bonferroni-adjusted comparison for a between-subjects factor? Why?

Although we are getting to post hoc comparisons, we will reference the Tukey HSD for “MusicEd” (if needed, of course), because that is the more appropriate test. We are only getting the Bonferroni-adjusted comparison because we want the means and confidence intervals that are produced for “MusicEd” in this step.

Click the “Continue” button to return to the main “Repeated Measures” window.

Homogeneity Test

Before we wrap up this GLM, we need to ask SPSS for Levene’s test for the homogeneity of variance. SPSS includes that in the output for the between-subjects designs (i.e., the univariate GLM) but does not do so for the repeated measures procedure. This is because the between-subjects factor(s) are an optional component in the this procedure.

Click on the “Options” button in the main “Repeated Measures” window. Check the box next to “Homogeneity tests” (see Figure 15).

Figure 15

Homogeneity Test Option

Homogeneity Test Option

Click “Continue” to return to the main “Repeated Measures” window.

Run GLM Syntax

We now have all of the options set for our repeated measures GLM. Navigate to the syntax editor to select and run the GLM syntax (see Figure 16 for complete syntax).

Figure 16

Syntax for Repeated Measures GLM

Syntax for Repeated Measures GLM

Interpreting the Output

Warning Message

We’ll get to the interpretation of our model right after we address the “Warnings” at the begining of our output for the GLM. It states:

Post hoc tests are not performed for Music Education Background because there are fewer than three groups.

As we noted above, we only need Tukey Post hoc comparisons if our between-subjects factor has more than 2 levels. This is not the case for “Music Education Background”, which as “yes” or “no” as levels.

We do not need the post hoc comparison because the ANOVA and means tables can tell us all that we need to know. The ANOVA table will tell us if the two groups are reliably different and the means table will tell us which had higher SAT scores.

Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity

Scroll to the “Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity” table. We see that there is no violation of sphericity because the “Sig.” is greater than .05 (see Figure 17).

Figure 17

Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity

Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity

We can interpret the top line for each effect in the within-subjects effects table.

Test of Within-Subjects Effects

Figure 18 contains the “test of within-subjects effects” table. The table highlights the “Sphericity Assumed” rows and the “sig.” values.

Figure 18

Test of Within-Subjects Effects

Test of Within-Subjects Effects

With the sig. values being less .05, there is a significant main effect of “test” and a significant interaction effect of “test by music education background.”

We are going to save the write-up for these effects until after we review the between-subjects results.

Levene’s Test of Equality of Variances

We’ll want to esure that we haven’t violated the assumption of equal variance before we interpret our between-subjects effect.

Figure 19 contains an annotated version of “Levene’s Test of Equality of Error Variances” in which the relevant “Sig.” values are highlighted.

Figure 19

Levene’s Test of Equality of Variances

Levene’s Test of Equality of Variances

Luckily for us, our sig. values are > .05. This means that we have not violated our assumption of equal variance for any of our samples.

Test of Between-Subjects Effects

Figure 20 is an annotated verson of the “test of between-subjects effects” table. It highlights the row and sig. value for “MusicEd”. WIth a sig. value < .001, we can also claim a significant main effect of Music Education Background.

Figure 20

Test of Between-Subjects Effects

Test of Between-Subjects Effects

Combining Tables

We need to do a little work to combine these effects into one ANOVA table. Although we typically either export or copy-and-paste the table from the SPSS output, I am going to recommend that you create a table from scratch in your favorite word processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages, etc.).

Step 1 Determine the number of columns and rows.

The ANOVA table contains the following column headers “Source, Sum of Squares, df, Mean Square, F, and p”. That is a total of 6 columns.

Next, we’ll need to how many rows our combined table will need. In general, we need one row for each effect, and a row for error. When you have within-subjects factors, you’ll have separate error terms for each within-subjects factor. In our example, we’ll need a total of 5 rows (i.e., Music Ed, Between-Subjects Error, Test, Test*MusicEd, Error within Test).

Step 2 Creating the empty table.

Create a new table with 6 (5 for effects and errors, 1 for the column headers) rows and 6 columns. Figure 21 shows how to do this in Microsoft Word using the “Insert” menu.

Figure 21

Creating a 6 x 6 table in Microsoft Word

Creating a 6 x 6 table in Microsoft Word

Step 3 Enter information into cells.

With the the structure of the table set, we can now fill in the cells.

Type in the column headers in the top row (i.e. “Source, Sum of Squares, df, Mean Square, F, and p”).

Type the effect and error term labes in the first row, below the “Source” header. That is, type “Test, Test * MusicEd, Error(Test), MusicEd, Error” in the first cells of the rows.

Figure 22 contains the basic table with the column and row headers.

Figure 22

Column and Row Headers

Column and Row Headers

Now you can copy-and-paste or type in the values for each cell.

Table 2 is the APA-stylized version of our combined table

Table 2

Combined ANOVA table for Between- and Within-Subjects Effects

Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p
Test 129341.217 2 64670.608 18942.573 <.001
Test * MusicEd 110509.317 2 55254.658 16184.561 <.001
Error (Test) 259.467 76 3.414
MusicEd 552706.133 1 552706.133 249.365 .000
Error 84225.333 38 2216.456

Interpreting the ANOVA Table,

Table 2 indicates that we have a significant main effect for test attempt, a significant main effect for music education background, and a significant test * music education interaction effect as all effects have p-values less than .05.

Remember, we will want to focus our post hoc analyses on the interaction effect because the interaction of the two IVs gives a more complete story of how the IVs simultaneously impact the DV.

Post Hoc Analyses

To better direct our approach of performing post hoc analyses, I invite you to examine the interaction plot we produced in the GLM.

Interaction Plot

Figure 20 is the interaction plot of test attempt and music education background on SAT score.

Figure 20

Interacton Plot

Interacton Plot

This looks to be a fairly straight-forward ordinal interaction. Whereas SAT score does not increase across test attempt for those with no music education background, those with a music education background have an increase in scores from one test to the next.

We have two options for breaking down this interaction. The first is the simple effects test. This involves separating the samples and testing for main effects of one IV within the levels of the other IV. With the 95% confidence interval error bars, our figure indicates that an ANOVA for the effect of test in the no music education background sample will yield null results but will yield a significant effect for the music education background sample.

We would then need to follow up on that main effect of test attempt for those with a music education background using Bonferroni-corrected pairwise comparisons. Again, our figure indicates that we would see a significant difference between tests 1 and 2, between tests 2 and 3, and thus between 1 and 3.

I suggest that we cut to the chase and make some pointed comparisons using the means and confidence intervals produced through the “Estimated Marginal Means” portion of the GLM.

Means and Confidence Intervals

Figure 21 contains the means and confidence intervals of SAT scores produced for the interaction of music education background and test attempt.

Figure 21

Means and Confidence Intervals

Means and Confidence Intervals

As the figure suggested, the 95% CI for SAT scores have a lot of overlap for the no music education background samples. Furthermore, there is no overlap in 95% CI for SAT scores in the music education bakground samples.

The last detail to note is the lowest mean SAT score for the music education background samples (i.e., first test) is reliably higher than the all the no music education background samples.

We now have all that we need to complete our post hoc write up.

Presenting the Results in APA Format

We’ve done a lot of the work along the way this time so we’ll just need to piece things together.

Interaction Plot

Let’s start with the interaction plot. From SPSS, you’ll want to:

  1. Remove title from above figure.
  2. Remove “Error bars: 95% CI” from below figure.
  3. Remove grid lines.
  4. Update y-axis title to “Mean SAT Score”.
  5. Update x-axis title to “Test Attempt”.
  6. Move legend into chart area.
  7. Add “Note. Error bars represent 95% CI” below the figure

Here is a reproduction of Figure 20 for which I have complete the above steps.

Figure 20

Interacton Plot

Interacton Plot

Note.Error bars represent 95% CI.

ANOVA Write-Up

Now let’s present the results of the mixed factorial ANOVA by combining the statement of the test performed, the interpretation of the results, and the summarizing statistical information.

Here is our combined ANOVA table for convenience.

Table 2

Combined ANOVA table for Between- and Within-Subjects Effects

Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p
Test 129341.217 2 64670.608 18942.573 <.001
Test * MusicEd 110509.317 2 55254.658 16184.561 <.001
Error (Test) 259.467 76 3.414
MusicEd 552706.133 1 552706.133 249.365 .000
Error 84225.333 38 2216.456

“A mixed factorial ANOVA was implemented through the repeated measures general linear model. The results indicated significant effects for both test attempt (F[2,76] = 18942.573, p < .001) and music education background (F[1,38] = 249.365, p < .001) on SAT scores. There was also a significant interaction effect of the two IVs on SAT scores (F[2,76] = 16184.561, p < .001).”

Post Hoc Write-up

As we explain the interaction effect, we should focus on patterns and deviation of patterns. We can also point out the key comparisons that help establish the principle findings within the interaction.

Rather than refering to a table, I am going to incorportate the confidence intervals directly into my write up. Notably, I am going to offer ranges for the lower bound and upper bound of the confidence intervals.

“Bonferroni-corrected 95% confidence intervals reveal that SAT scores remained very similar across test attempts for those with no music education background (95% CI lower bounds [1182.879, 1188.750]; 95% CI upper bounds [1207.521,1213.550]). A pattern of improvement in each test attempt, in contrast, was found for those with a music education background. Individuals scored the lowest in the first attempt (M = 1254.650, 95% CI [1242.329, 1266.971]), scored intermediately in the second attempt (M = 1340.050, 95% CI [1327.802, 1252.298]), and highest in the third attempt (M = 1409.100, 95% CI [1396.700, 1421.500]). Those with a music education background scored higher in the first attempt than those whithout a music education background (M = 1195.200, 95% CI [1182.879, 1207.521]).”


In this lesson, we’ve:

  1. Explained how between- and within-subjects factors are combined in a mixed factorial design.
  2. Identified between- and within-subjects factors in an SPSS file.
  3. Setup and ran a mixed factorial ANOVA using the Repeated Measures General Linear Model procedure.
  4. Interpreted the results of the mixed factorial ANOVA using GLM.
  5. Presented the results of the mixed factorial ANOVA in APA format.

Congratulations! You have completed this course!