Topic 1 - HTML Structure and Tags
The structure of HTML is important in creating a website or developing other apps/ software. Html is created in a way which things must follow a certain order. Beginning with the code, we start with telling the browser what type of document the browser is reading. We do this by stating that it is an html document with <!doctype html>. HTML consists of a series of elements such as the head, heading, main, body, and a footer.
Topic 2 - HTML Tags and Creating Links
Opening and closing tags are the most important thing in HTML along with correct spelling and punctuation. Headers have tags ranging in different sizes from 1 to 6. The heading <h1> is considered the largest. The heading <h6> is considered the smallest.
Linking in HTML is simple! Using the <a> tag, we can create links to images, websites, different pages, email addresses and plenty more! Images, although they can be used as a link, have their own source tags. Images use the tag <image src="the image file type"> which can pull an image which is on a link, website, or even a local file.
Topic 3 - Building a Foundation with Code
When building with code and have a foundation to build on, it is quick to build a tree of code with good hierarchy. The larger text in the heading introduces us to the website and what it is about. Then the CSS designs help guide the flow of the text. Linking helps with organizing things on different pages. We read the content which is inside of the body of code. Then at the end of the page is the area called the footer.