Topic 1 - Box Building and Modeling
Building a box in code can come in a variety of forms, shapes and sizes. It is a border around the text on all sides. To build a box, we use a property input call "border" which tells the computer that this is a border around the text or object.Borders can be made into different sizes, styles, and colors by using tags declaring the formats or styles to create them the way we want.
Topic 2 - Positions
The position property declares where an element or a box is positioned within the page or code. It gives it a command and tells it where to appear. There are different ways to add a position through code by using values such as Static, relative, absolute and fixed.
Static Position - This code is not affected by any css code and stays in a regular position. It is not affected by top, bottom, left or right Properties.
Relative Position - This code allows the position to be moved using the code properties Top, Bottom, Left, Right.
Absolute Position - This code takes the element and places it outside of the arrangement. It can be connected to another element.
Fixed Position - Like the absolute positioning, this code takes the element outside of the arrangment and is able to be placed in a certain location, but it will be fixed and that element will stay in the same place through the movement.
Topic 3 - Backgrounds
Backgrounds are a huge part of what makes a page. It is similar to layers like in photoshop. You have your text on top, a design in the middle, and a backing on the back. The background has many tags to customize it along with the size, shape, color, patterns, which images are used, and more!