Step 5

How to structure layout & links pages


There are basically four methods:

  1. WATER (no CSS - content fills screen - no controls)
  2. FLOAT (using CSS with float left, and width persentages to organize layout)
  3. GRID (new CSS - verticle columns of equal width)
  4. FLEXBOX (new CSS - verticle columns of unequal widths)


You can structure pages using the following CSS...

About Positioning of Divs





You can structure pages using the following HTML/CSS...

About the Positioning of Divs


  1. Make a CSS style sheet sheet and attach it.
  2. Put CSS in HEAD Section of HTML code.
  3. Place the CSS in the HTML - inline style=______

X, Y, Z

Linking Pages

Creating a Hyperlink in Dreamweaver

  1. In Dreamweaver, open the page where you want to create a link.
  2. Select the text (highlight) or image (click on) that you want to serve as the link (meaning the text or image that a user clicks to trigger the link).
  3. Click the drag-down menu "Insert". Then choose Hyperlink.
  4. The Hyperlink dialog box will open. In that box, click the file folder icon, and browse for the HTML page or file you want to link to. (Note: if you pick a file, choose one such as a PDF from the "documents" folder, then visitors to your site will be able to download files). Optionally you can paste in the URL in the "link" text field and not use the file folder icon at all.
  5. If you do choose use the file folder icon, you will browse your site root folder and find the HTML page that you want your text or image to link to. Once selected, click "Choose" (Mac) or click "OK" for (Windows), then dialog box will close.
  6. Optionally, before closing the hyperlink dialog box, you could also set the Target field in the Hyperlink dialog box to define if your page opens in the existing web page, or if it opens a new web page.
  7. There you have the following options:
  8. Optionally, before closing the hyperlink dialog box, you could also set the Title field in the Hyperlink dialog box to define what the title of the link should be. This is very helpful for ADA Accessibility standards. The link will be read to those who have difficulty seeing the page.
  9. It is suggested that you leave the "Access key" and "Tab index" text fields blank. They are for setting a link by the use of the keyboard. For example you could make the f1 key the active link button on the keyboard. Because this is rarely used, we recommend avoiding this option.
  10. When you are done entering the information, click "OK". The Hyperlink dialog box closes and the link is set automatically. The code will be automatically written in your HTML. Test your links but uploading the page, and testing it in a web browser.