Stylin’ Fonts and Text
- Font Families - When it comes to designing for the web then you must trust that users have the font installed that you want to be displayed. It is almost impossible to know what fonts users will have installed, but you can be certain that every computer has Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, and Courier. In order to use specific fonts you must list them in CSS in order of preference.
- Embedded Styles - By embedding a style in the HTMl document you won’t have to manage a separate style sheet. This works really well when you are only making one page, when you have multiple it’s better to use a style sheet to help you manage the pages and keep them similar. To do this simply write a style tag and then inside of that tag write the style rules like how you would in a CSS page.
- Sizing fonts - There are three types of values to size fonts. They are absolute (pixels and inches), relative ( percentages and ems), and sweatshirt keywords (small, medium, large). Being able to size your fonts is very important, it allows you to display consistent sizes in all browsers.