Relaxation Calorimeter

One of the fundamental properties of all matter is specific heat. Conceptually we can think of this as being a resistance to changes in temperature, or something like a thermal inertia. Because changes in temperature are closely related to changes in entropy, many interactions in a material have an impact on the specific heat. Further, the conditions associated with the measurement affect the outcome. This is commonly seen when discussing ideal gases. The specific heat of an ideal gas is smaller if the volume if the gas is held constant than if the pressure is held constant. For theoretical work, constant volume is easire to manage. For experimental work, constant pressure is often easier to maintain. Fortunately in most solids and liquids the difference is small. So, we measure specific heat at constant pressure, cp.

Many methods exist for measuring cp. The one we're chasing is called "relaxation specific heat." The basic notion is to hold the surroundings at a fixed temperature. Then apply a know amount of heat (heater power multiplied by the time it is applied) to the sample while recording its temperature as a function of time. This gives what we call the warming curve. Shut off the heater and let the sample cool down, approaching the temperature of the surroundings, while recording the sample's temperature. This gives us the cooling curve. By fitting models to Twarm(t) and Tcool(t) we should be able to pull out cp.

What we need to do

  1. Have a functioning temperature controller.
  2. Construct a reasonably thermally isolated sample stage with a trusted thermometer attached.
  3. Create a Python program that will
    1. Set the temperature of the stage via the temperature controller
    2. Apply a small heat pulse of known power to the stage for a known time while recording the temeprature
    3. Shut off the pulse while continuing to record temperature.
    4. Move to the next temperature and repeat.
  4. Using the obtained data, we will fit our stage T(t) curves on the warming and cooling side to our model. From the fit parameters, we can extract the specific heat.
This is really what Richard is chasing. Creating a temperature controller from nothing is a big ask for a student. The progress we're making gives me confidence that we'll be able to take some basic cp measurements before Spring Break 2025.


Updated 24 November 2024.