I am interested in developing inexpensive apparatus associated with material property measurements. These include specific heat, radio frequency and low frequency magnetic susceptibility, torque magnetometry, and dielectric susceptibility. Students working with me have the opportunity to work with discrete semiconductor and IC electronics, Arduino programming, Python programming, designing parts for additive and subtractive manufacturing.
One of the great side effects of teaching introductory classes regularly is I get to go over "simple" ideas again and again. This is a spur to think about how to tweak those ideas leading to interesting (to me) problems. I have a few that I keep in my head in case a student wants to do some sort of quasi-theoretical work. Some already have well-known solutions, some are taken as solvable, and some are questions I haven't seen addressed anywhere. The list of Physics Models below are the ones at the front of my mind as I write this.
Any lab is more than the equipment, samples, and data. It really is the people who work there that make the environment what it is. Meet the Group Members.
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