Complex Domain Coloring
Portraits of complex functions of complex variable, created using so called complex domain coloring.
Complex Domain Coloring

Simple examples
Simple examples

Several simple examples, mostly polynomials and rational functions
Essential singularities
Essential singularities

Complex domain coloring images of functions with essential singularities.
A VV-singularity
A VV-singularity

A function f defined in the upper half plane has a VV-singularity at a point a at the real line if there exist two angles V1 and V2 in the upper half plane, with vertices at a, such that the set of accumulation points at a of f restricted to V1 is different from the the set of accumulation points at a of f restricted to V2
Elliptic functions
Elliptic functions

These meromorphic functions are doubly periodic in the plane. includes pictures of both Jacobi and Weierstrass elliptic functions.
Infinite products and continuing fractions
Infinite products and continuing fractions

Infinite products and continuing fractions
Bessel functions
Bessel functions

Several pictures denerated using Bessel functions
Modular functions
Modular functions

Modular functions and functions related to them